I would admit that much of the wealth of Malaysia is due to the Chinese. Most of the taxes are probably from Chinese businesses. But they are amply compensated in Malaysia. The top billionaires are Chinese. – Tun M Twitter

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad proudly announced that 90% of the personal income tax which the government collects are paid by the Chinese. If that is so then the spending power is in the hands of the Chinese and not in the hands of the Malays, Indians, Bumiputeras and ‘others’.

According to the Treasury, 70% of the personal income tax is paid by salaried employees while the businessmen and self-employed contribute to only 30% of the personal income tax. If the Treasury is able to collect all the personal income tax due, then the salaried employees would be paying just 10% of the personal income tax collected while businessmen and self-employed would be contributing 90%.

So, in spite of the high tax evasion by the businessmen and self-employed who pay only a fraction of what they should, the Chinese still pay 90% of the personal income tax that the government collects.

Source : Malaysia Today

The Chinese are the biggest taxpayers

It is perhaps timely that Dr Mahathir Mohamad, speaking at a forum on the ‘Future Challenges of the Malays’ recently in Alor Star, should have stated that “Malays have to acknowledge that the Malay community contributed the least to making Malaysia a model country and to its current status in the world” ( The Sun , Monday, March 27, p 10).

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad does not mince his words when he says that if Malaysia depended only on taxes paid by the Malays, it would not have achieved what it has today, the Chinese press reported yesterday.

He said Malays have to acknowledge that the Malay community contributed the least to making Malaysia a model country and to its current status in the world.

Addressing a forum on the Future Challenges of the Malays organised by the Kedah Malay Assembly Hall in Alor Star on Saturday, Mahathir said there is no doubt the country has progressed and prospered under the leadership of the Malays but that such progress was built on the hard work of other races.

“The government used taxes from the people to develop the country, but who contributed the most in taxes?”

“The Chinese! Their success in business has made them the biggest contributors in taxes.”

He said Malays are behind the others not because they are inferior or lack resources but because of their culture and attitude.

Source : Malaysiakini

Source : Anak Merdeka

Malays have to acknowledge that they contributed the least to making Malaysia a model country – The Sun, Monday 27-03-2006

FORMER prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad does not mince his words when he says that if Malaysia depended only on taxes paid by the Malays, it would not have achieved what it has today, the Chinese press reported yesterday. He said Malays have to acknowledge that the Malay community contributed the least to making Malaysia a model country and to its current status in the world.

Addressing a forum on the Future Challenges of the Malays organised by the Kedah Malay Assembly Hall in Alor Star on Saturday, Mahathir said there is no doubt the country has progressed and prospered under the leadership of the Malays but that such progress was built on the hard work of other races.

“The government used taxes from the people to develop the country, but who contributed the most in taxes? “The Chinese! Their success in business has made them the biggest contributors in taxes.” He said Malays are behind the others not because they are inferior or lack resources but because of their culture and attitude. He urged them to stress on the pursuit of knowledge.

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Mahathir also warned that the New Automotive Policy would be the undoing of Proton, which has suffered setbacks previously. “Proton is destined to fail,” he told reporters later when asked to comment on the policy announced last week. Asked to elaborate, he said: “What more is there to say?”

Source : Hornbill

Tun M: “There Is No Doubt That Much Of The Development Of Malaysia Is Due To The Chinese”

On Friday, while delivering his keynote address at the World Chinese Economic Forum, Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad applauded the Malaysian Chinese community for their contributions to the development of the country and its economy

He credited much of Malaysia’s development and the creation of businesses to the first Chinese settlers here, saying we would be in a different situation were it not for them.

“The Chinese not only occupy China. You go anywhere in the world, you will see Chinese faces. They have contributed much to the development of many countries and have become citizens in these countries,” the Prime Minister said.

“We have 30% of the population of Chinese origin and there is no doubt that much of the development of Malaysia is due to the Chinese,” he added.

He said that without them Malaysia would have been left behind

“Malaysia fully appreciates the Chinese contribution to the development of Malaysia. Indeed, we feel that without them, much of the development of Malaysia would be somewhat lagging behind,” he said while addressing the Chinese contribution.

“But they have come here, to live here, to become Malaysian citizens, and to help in the development of this country. And I’m quite sure that wherever they go they will do the same. Somehow they have a knack of creating wealth wherever they go,” he added.

We all know that it is the business people who are good at creating the wealth of the country while the government is good at collecting that wealth,” Tun Mahathir said with a slight chuckle, drawing an instant laughter from the room filled with people yesterday.

“But without the business people creating the wealth, the government can collect no wealth. Yes, there are countries of course, which are gifted with a lot of natural resources among which is petroleum. And these countries have developed quite well. But in other fields, they have not been able to develop.

“But the Chinese contribution to the development of Malaysia is not confined only to business and making of profit but also in many other fields,” he added while paying tribute to the ability of the Chinese in adapting to changing market conditions.

“Today’s business is not about opening shops along streets which was what they did when they came to Malaysia. The streets then were lined by Chinese shops, providing services of all kinds.

“But the situation changed over time. Today, we see a complete change in the way goods are marketed. Now we have many shopping complexes where the shops are gathered in a place that is nicely air-conditioned. And this change is brought about by the ability of the Chinese to make the adjustment to the differing conditions,” he added.

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Source : SAYS

Chinese contributions since mid-1800s

According to the book The Chinese Malaysian Contribution published in 2006 and launched by former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, it was the Chinese who developed the early tin mining industry.

The country has also benefited from the success of Chinese businessmen. Apart from creating jobs, their companies pay huge taxes. In early 2006, Dr Mahathir disclosed that the Chinese were the biggest contributors to government tax revenue.

WHILE all ethnic groups in Malaysia have contributed greatly to its economic development, the Chinese contribution to nation-building was given recognition by the British as long ago as the early 1900s.

The colonial government acknowledged that the prosperity of British Malaya was partly built upon the labour and enterprise of the Chinese from China in the early days. British administrator Sir Frank Swettenham wrote at the beginning of the 20th century:

“Under the present [tough] conditions, the Chinese are the bone and sinew of the Malay states. They are the labourers, the miners, the principal shopkeepers, the capitalists, the holders of the revenue farms, the contributors to almost the whole of the revenue; we cannot do without them.”

In the late 1800s, opening up the forests to plant rubber and mine for tin was done by the Chinese. Tin and rubber were the two pillars of the economy in the 19th century and a large part of the 20th century.

And after independence from British rule in 1957, the descendants of these Chinese immigrants followed their parents’ footsteps. Their combined efforts had laid the foundation for modern Malaysia.

According to the book The Chinese Malaysian Contribution published in 2006 and launched by former premier Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, it was the Chinese who developed the early tin mining industry.

More than 1.5 million Chinese arrived from China in between 1881 and 1900 to open up tin mines in Perak, Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. The later active involvement of the British made Malaya the largest tin producer in the world.

But behind the early success of the tin industry lay the blood, sweat and tears of tin miners, who led a rough and unpredictable life. Very often, a tin mine worker lived only two to three years due to unbearable living conditions.

The influx of Chinese immigrants in the 1850s to open up thick primary forests of Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak saw the cultivation of tapioca, gambier, tobacco, sugar cane, pepper, and other spices. Rubber came later.

History records that in 1896, Tan Chay Yan from China pioneered the commercial planting of rubber in Malacca. Other prominent Chinese such as Tan Kah Kee and Lee Kong Chian turned rubber into a key export commodity.

Enterprise, hard work, diligence, frugality, adaptability, and risk taking had served the Chinese well, although similar traits are also seen in successful individuals in other ethnic groups.

After 1957, with most of the locally-born Chinese choosing to become citizens of the newly independent country, the contribution of these Chinese Malayans (and later Malaysians) widened to new sectors.

In the rubber sector, many local Chinese ventured into rubber-based industries. Local Chinese made the first rubber wood furniture in the world. Today, Malaysia is the world’s largest manufacturer of rubber gloves and condoms.

In the palm oil sector, Chinese were among the first planters in the 1960s. The late Tan Sri Ngan Chin Wen from Sitiawan was one of them. The other major players in the sector include Kuala Lumpur Kepong Bhd’s Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng and IOI Group’s Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng.

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In addition, Chinese entrepreneurs have also played a vital role in the downstream activity of palm oil. Lam Soon built the first palm oil refinery in the 1960s. In 1980, Chan Yit Meng built the first Malaysian oleochemical plant in Penang. And since the 1980s, the Kuok Group has been a huge international trader for palm oil. Today, Malaysia is the world’s largest palm oil exporter.

Chinese have also played an important role in the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), which accounts for over 90% of all businesses in the manufacturing, services and the agricultural sectors. And 37 out of 50 top tycoons are ethnic Chinese, according to the Forbes’ list of richest Malaysians.

The country has also benefited from the success of Chinese businessmen. Apart from creating jobs, their companies pay huge taxes. In early 2006, Dr Mahathir disclosed that the Chinese were the biggest contributors to government tax revenue.

Many Chinese tycoons are also prepared to share their wealth by donating generously to charities, education and support medical and cultural causes to benefit all races.

One of the most outstanding philanthropists was Tan Kah Kee (1874-1961), who donated all profits from his rice trading, pineapple plantations and canning factories, rubber estates, shipping and food manufacturing to schools, education and other causes in 1925.

His nephew, rubber magnate Tan Lark Sye (1897-1972) followed suit. He was also noted for mobilising the people to set up the Nanyang University of Singapore, which bred many entrepreneurs in the 1960s and 1970s.

Likewise, founder of Lee Rubber Group Lee Kong Chian (1893-1967) gave large donations to universities and schools. The Lee Foundation dishes out RM200 million annually to charities and needy students of all races, according to a director.

The other notable philanthropists include the late Tan Sri Lee Yan Lian, Tan Sri Loh Boon Siew and Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng; Robert Kuok, Tan Sri Vincent Tan, Tan Sri Jeffrey Cheah and Tan Sri Yeoh Tiong Lay.

Source : The Edge

Chinese pay more tax, ergo ‘true patriots’

 Datuk Zaid Ibrahim dubbed Chinese Malaysians “true patriots” today, claiming the minority group pay more tax in comparison to any other race in the country, including the dominant Malay community.

 Since more Chinese pay tax than the Malays they are true patriots,” Zaid said on his Twitter account, @zaidibrahim.

Almost instantly, he posted a second comment to correct his initial response, but which appears to be no less provocative.

“Sorry I think Chinese pay more tax than the Malays. They maybe fewer (sic) Chinese tax payers,” the Kelantan-born politician tweeted.

Source : Malay Mail

T20 contributed 85% of personal income tax 

 The T20 group contributed 85%, or RM33.68 billion, of the personal income tax collected last year, says the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN).

Its director of the CEO’s office, Ranjeet Kaur, said a total of RM39.26 billion in personal income tax was collected in 2022.

The M40 group contributed 13%, or RM5.38 billion, to personal income tax collected in 2022, she told Utusan Malaysia.

The remaining 2% was from miscellaneous categories.

Last year’s personal income tax collection of RM39.26 billion made up 19% of the record RM175.4 billion which LHDN collected.

Corporate tax contributed RM97.94 billion, or 55%, of LHDN’s overall tax revenue last year.

The remaining 26% of LHDN’s overall tax revenue, or RM37.8 billion, was derived from real property gains tax, stamp duties, and taxes on cooperatives.

Source : FMT

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