
RM2 Billion For Islamic Deparment Yet PM’s Overseas Trips Rely On Private Funding?

AS a Muslim, I take pride in seeing the government’s commitment to Islamic development through the RM2 bil allocation for Islamic affairs in Budget 2025.


Malaysia Lost RM 4.5 Trillion Due To Tun M & Daim Corruption And Leakages Over 26 Years

Estimating the actual cost of corruption to society is daunting, due to its profound, ubiquitous and systematic impact on various realms of the socioeconomic life


Malaysia’s RM1.5 trillion Debt Time Bomb – Showing Resemblance Debt Crises Experienced By Bankrupt Countries Like Egypt & Sri Lanka

Malaysia’s growing national debt, if left unchecked, could lead to a debt spiral, decimating the average Malaysian livelihood. Our national debt has been on a


Tun M : Pak Lah & Najib Left Us A Bloated Civil Service – Increase Salary But Same Productivity

Dr Mahathir Mohamad is largely credited for building Putrajaya, a sprawling city carved out of a sleepy town to house spacious government offices which moved