Malaysia Lost RM 4.5 Trillion Due To Tun M & Daim Corruption And Leakages Over 26 Years
Estimating the actual cost of corruption to society is daunting, due to its profound, ubiquitous and systematic impact on various realms of the socioeconomic life
Tun M & Daim Must Be Reduced To Common Criminals – Looting, Scamming & Stealing Billions From The National Coffers
The tales of what our Malay political leaders have done in the name of government, race, religion and the getting of obnoxious personal wealth for
Tun M-Daim-H20-Hamzah Coup D’etat – Money Came In Via Foreign Fund Buying Up Local Stocks Transferred To Local Hands
The one possible reason for the market’s surprise run-up is that money for LANGKAH MERBOK came in via foreign buying up stocks in the market
Tun M Last Christmas : Could Be Facing At Least 20 Solid Charges & Join Daim & Najib In Prison
Tun Daim’s Ilham Tower was seized by MACC for investigation into corruption and money laundering. The talk is Daim refused to declare fully his assets
The Untold Story Of UMNO RM 100 Billion Stolen Assets By Tun Mahathir & Tun Daim
For almost two decades from the 1980s to the 1990s, Umno went on a rape-and-plunder of the nation’s assets and built up an asset base