Sarawak premier Abang Johari Openg says proficiency in these two languages will help the state become a global player in various fields.

Sarawakians should master English and Mandarin to help the state become a global player in various fields, says Abang Johari Openg.

The Sarawak premier said English was important in the pursuit of knowledge and development, Borneo Post reported.

“That is the reason why we use English alongside Bahasa Malaysia as an official language in Sarawak. We understand the importance of English,” he was quoted as saying at an event in Kuching last night.

He added that Mandarin was equally important as it was one of the world’s major languages.

“We need to have more Sarawakians who are proficient in Mandarin. It will be a loss for Sarawak if we don’t realise the importance of that language,” he said.

Abang Johari said to encourage the mastery of Mandarin, the Sarawak government had recognised the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC).

However, the state’s recognition of the UEC is conditional, in that UEC holders must also have a credit in Bahasa Malaysia.

Sarawak’s recognition of the UEC allows its holders to apply for jobs in the state’s civil service and be eligible for Sarawak Foundation’s education loans.

Source : FMT

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