Abdul Hadi Awang, the president of PAS Islamist party and arguably the biggest snake oil salesman, blamed non-Muslims as the root of corruption in August 2022. It was just a few months before former Prime Minister “turtle egg” Ismail Sabri called a snap election, leading to the 15th General Election that produced a hung parliament, but saw PAS returning to being an opposition.

Not only Hadi falsely accused non-Malays as the root cause of corruption, the despicable man also conveniently concluded that it was the non-Malays who made the Malays become corrupted and entangled in financial scandals. In short, Hadi was trying to cleanse corrupted Malay-Muslims by diverting and blaming all the corruption problems to non-Malay-Muslims.

The racist and extremist PAS president said only the Muslim faithful have integrity and cannot be corrupted. Going by his own logic, not only former Najib Razak, who was involved in the 1MDB scandal is a bad Muslim and highly corrupted, Hadi too was himself a very dirty and bad Muslim due to his RM90 million scandal, where he secretly pocketed the bribes from his best friend Najib.

In 2008, now-defunct Pakatan Rakyat was formed as an Opposition coalition comprised PAS, PKR (People’s Justice Party) and DAP (Democratic Action Party). For the first time, the opposition shocked the Barisan Nasional (BN) ruling government when it won 82 seats in the 2008 General Election. Five years later (2013), the same Pakatan Rakyat did slightly better by winning 89 seats.

But by June 16, 2015, DAP declared the coalition “dead” – citing the inability of the rest of the alliance to work with PAS after PAS Congress suspiciously passed a motion to sever ties with DAP without any debate. Later, it was revealed by whistleblower Sarawak Report that PAS president Hadi Awang had been bribed with RM90 million by then-PM Najib Razak to quit the Pakatan Rakyat.

Thereafter, PAS was “friendly” with the supposedly enemy BN government, so much so both Hadi and Najib had conspired to work together by agreeing to three-cornered contests in the 2018 General Election. The belief that the strategy would split the opposition votes and benefit the ruling government, however, failed and backfired – leading to the humiliating defeat of BN.

It was so obvious that fake holy man Hadi was corrupted when he publicly supported Najib in 2015 to remain in office – even after US$681 million (RM2.6 billion) was discovered in Najib’s personal bank accounts. The disgraced ex-PM claimed the money was “donation” from the royal house of Saudi Arabia, something which he could not prove in both High Court and the Court of Appeal, and led to his imprisonment.

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Two days ago, about 2 years after Mr Hadi told Malays not to feel ashamed about accepting – or asking – bribes because it’s always the non-Malays’ fault, Deputy Inspector-General of Police Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay rubbished the PAS president’s twisted logic. On the contrary, the Malaysian deputy police chief reveals that majority of those detained for corruption are actually Malay-Muslims.

In what appears to be a slap in the face of Hadi Awang, deputy IGP Ayob has slammed politicians who turn corruption into a racial and religious issue. The No. 2 most powerful man in the police force lectured – “If our faith as Muslims is truly strong, we would not take bribes. There is no need to blame others. There is no need to blame non-Muslims. You take bribes and you want to blame others”.

Indeed, had Malay-Muslims like Hadi Awang rejected bribes from Najib Razak, there would be one less corruption case. Likewise, had Najib not stolen RM42 million from SRC International Sdn Bhd (a subsidiary of 1MDB), he would not have found guilty and sentenced to 12 years in jail and fined RM210 million. In both examples, it’s Malay-Muslims who chose to take bribes, and had nothing to do with Chinese.

In the same breath, if the PAS president was a good Muslim with strong faith to begin with, not only he would reject bribes from Najib, but would also stay loyal to Pakatan Rakyat and will be part of the legitimate government led by Anwar Ibrahim today. But because Hadi was a very corrupt man and a weak Muslim with desire for riches and Mercedes Benz, he had to use race and religious issue to legitimize his corruption.

Make no mistake. Both Najib and Hadi were crooks manufactured from the same factory who would not think twice about enriching themselves, family members and minions under the pretext of “protecting Malays” and “defending Islam”. The only difference is one wears Armani and Bijan suits (even when he is currently in prison) while the other dresses like the holiest man to hoodwink gullible Muslims.

The out-of-court settlement between Abdul Hadi Awang and Sarawak Report editor Clare Rewcastle-Brown can only mean one thing – the fake Holy Man and his gang had taken at least RM90 million bribes from UMNO in 2016. Otherwise, the PAS president had absolutely zero reason to “settle” with the British journalist. Exactly why was the PAS leader so terrified to face the “kafir harbi” British lady in a court?

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That’s because if the trial were to proceed in the British court, the PAS Islamist party will be unable to challenge the authenticity of an audio recording featuring former PAS central committee member Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz talking and admitting about secretly taking money from the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) to further the party’s political agenda.

Yes, some PAS leaders were being investigated for possessing high-powered motorcycles, exotic number plates as well as a bungalow in Bangi worth RM3 million back in 2019. The names of some PAS big guns living luxurious lifestyles from the ill-gotten RM90 million had also gone viral on social media, including owning BMW, Mercedes Benz, Mini Cooper, Toyota Vellfire, Range Rover and Porsche Cayman.

In fact, to cover-up his own corruption, Hadi had even twisted the Islamic teaching with sick argument that Muslims should continue to trust Muslim leaders, regardless of the crimes and wickedness they may have committed. He even claimed believers will end up in hell if led by non-Muslims. The corrupt man said – “If the one leading is a Muslim, even if he were cruel, at least others can become cattle herders,”

It’s not rocket science that he wanted to hammer into the Malay Muslims’ brain that even if he had taken the RM90 million bribes, they must still obediently choose and believe him (despite his corruption) over the kindest and cleanest non-Muslim leader. To do otherwise would mean the Malays would end up in hell, not heaven, let alone getting 72 virgins in the paradise.

This is what was meant by Deputy IGP Ayob Khan when he criticized dirty politicians who turn corruption into a racial and religious issue, referring to how Hadi blamed non-Muslims for the wide spread of corruption but at the same time legitimized corruption committed by Muslims with warning of hell if clean non-Muslim leaders are chosen over dirty Muslim leaders.

Perhaps Hadi can explain why DBKL officers (100% Malays) always actively visit Chinese shops asking for “protection money”. The best part is, even Malay women officers wearing hijab were part of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) team during trips to Chinese-owned restaurants and even shops selling pork. Is Hadi going to spin that it was the Chinese who pressured DBKL to come and collect bribes?

Sadly, only a few progressive Malays would cleverly ask why Muslims can’t simply refuse to take the bribes offered, even if the givers are non-Muslims. That would easily settle the problem of corruption, even if it is true that non-Muslims were the root of corruption by offering bribes, which is not the case. Common sense says non-Muslims would not blindly offer bribes if they are not being forced to.

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Even if non-Muslims commit offences such as drunk-driving, enforcement officers can always reject bribes to “kautim (settle)” it, can they not? The favourite argument – “if the Chinese do not offer bribes, the Malays will not accept bribes” – was just a lame excuse to legitimize corruption. Will Malay-Muslims like Hadi still accept it if the “bribes” are replaced with “pork” in above argument?

Hadi and his dumb supporters should explain why corruption is rampant in Muslim countries, so much so there is no Muslim country ranked in the top-20 in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI). If ethnic Chinese are the root of corruption, exactly why Singapore (ranked 5th) and Hong Kong (14th) were ranked in the top-20 of the 180 countries surveyed?

Does that mean Saudi Arabia (53rd spot), Malaysia (57th), Kuwait (63rd), Egypt (108th), Indonesia (115th), Pakistan (133rd), Iran (149th) and Iraq (154th), just to name a few, have Muslim populations with poor faith? Like it or not, Arab and Muslim countries are among the most corrupt nations in the world for a very long time. There are hardly any Chinese in Syria, Yemen or Libya to tank those countries in the chart.

Mr Ayob must be too sick and tired with all the corruption cases he has to deal with that involved mostly Malay Muslims, forcing him to express his disgust and reveal the truth. Unfortunately, there has been speculation that he was on the list of a major reshuffle of the police force to transfer him to another agency for ruffling someone’s feathers.

This means Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution – the backdoor minister who is the biggest apple polisher of Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim – is either powerless against the powerful cartel within the Royal Malaysian Police, or he is now part of the corrupt institution which has enriched him beyond imagination. Either way, Ayob has spoken – Malay-Muslims is the root of corruption.

However, such embarrassing revelation isn’t a surprise. After all, PAS president Hadi Awang has shamelessly condemned news media for reporting sexual assaults, rapes or sodomy of Muslim students in religious institutions. Yes, not only he tried to hide the fact that Malays are corrupt, but also wanted to cover-up sex maniacs amongst “ustaz”, who most likely are PAS members or supporters.

Source : Finance Twitter

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